Monday, December 25, 2006


This is an in-development piece of software (only for Macs) to manage a digital collection of articles. It's called Papers, and it bears a striking similarity to iTunes, which I think will be an advantage, since many people are already familiar with the user interface. It looks like it will automatically retreive author, title and journal info from PubMed, which is a great help to me - I have tons of articles on my computer named something like sd-article178465749.pdf. I rely heavily on Spotlight to find articles on my computer, but after this comes out, maybe I won't have to.

**UPDATE** - Papers is now in its third public preview stage, and ArsTechnica has written a very comprehensive review.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

How to do Research at the MIT AI Lab

While this guide contains a bit of outdated information,

(from the section on giving a talk: If you must point at the overhead, don't actually touch the transparency since you will make it jerk around.)

there's also a lot of useful content about research and networking

(from the 'Getting Connected' section: When a paper cites something that looks interesting, make a note of it. Keep a log of interesting references. Go to the library every once in a while and look the lot of them up. You can intensively work backward through a ``reference graph'' of citations when you are hot on the trail of an interesting topic.)

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006


(from Hadjikhani et al, Nature Neuroscience, 1998)

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